butt and thigh press

>> Sunday, November 9, 2008

In the butt and thigh press, the outer thigh and hip muscle groups are in a static contraction, while the quadriceps in the front of the thigh and gluteals in the buttocks perform the movement that extends the leg at the hip and knee.

Butt and Thigh Press Step 1

Step 1
Lie on your right side with right arm extended out straight, head resting on arm. Place left arm in front of chest for support. Keep hips aligned, bending right leg for a wide base of support. Lift left leg so that knee is parallel to the floor and foot is 4 inches from floor. Keep abdominal muscles held in tight.

Butt and Thigh Press Step 2

Step 2
Bend left leg slightly, using the hip and knee joints, through a short range of motion and then straighten. Don't lock your knee joint when straightening. Always move with a slow and controlled motion. Concentrate on the contraction through the butt and thigh. Repeat for 8 counts and rest. Repeat on the other side.


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