killer abs routine

>> Sunday, November 9, 2008

Basic straights sets routine

1. Reverse crunch 3 sets X 15-25 reps

2. Floor crunch 3 sets X 15-25 reps

3. Elbow to knee twisting crunch 3 sets X 15-25 reps (or side crunch)

Advanced straight sets routine

1. Incline reverse crunch 3 sets X 15-25 reps

2. Kneeling cable crunch 3 sets X 15-25 reps

3. Hanging twisting knee up 3 sets X 15-25 reps

Heavy-light routine
Select three ab exercises, all using resistance, for example:

1. Kneeling cable crunch

2. Weighted stability ball crunch

3. Supine Ab crunch machine

Perform three sets of each exercise. Every other workout, change repetition range as follows:

Workout A: (light) 15-25 reps, tempo 1/0/1/1
Workout B: (heavy) 8-12 reps, tempo 2/0/2/2

Tempo (in seconds)

2 eccentric
0 pause in stretch position
2 concentric
2 pause in contracted position

Superset routine

1. Hanging knee up 2-3 sets X 15-25 reps, superset to

2. Kneeling cable crunch 2-3 sets X 15-25 reps

3. Reverse Crunch 2-3 sets X 15-25 reps superset to

4. Crunch with feet on bench 2-3 sets X 15-25 reps

Tri-set routine

1. Hanging Leg raise 3 sets X 15-25 reps no rest, go directly to

2. Hanging Knee Up 3 sets X 15-25 reps no rest, go directly to

3. Weighted supine crunch 3 sets X 15-25 reps rest 60 seconds,

...repeat for a total of three tri-sets.

The Ultimate Killer Ab Routine(Giant set)

1. Hanging straight leg raise 15-25 reps

2. Hanging knee ups 15-25 reps or as many as possible

3. Hip lift 15-25 reps

4. Reverse crunches 15-25 reps
5. Weighted supine crunch 15-25 reps
6. Bodyweight crunches 15-25 reps

Each sequence of six exercises is one giant set. Rest 60 - 90 seconds after you finish exercise #6, then repeat for a total of three circuits. (if you can get through three circuits of this routine with strict form, including hitting 25 strict leg raises and 25 knee strict knee ups, you are in elite company).

Time to Get Started!

These eight principles and the sample routines are just the tip of the iceberg in my ab training arsenal but it's all I have time for in this newsletter. However, this should be more than enough ammo for you to begin an all out assault on your abs.

If you employ these techniques in conjunction with a supportive fat loss nutrition and cardio program such as Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle (BFFM), your abs will come in so fast it will almost scare you!

To get more FACTS on exactly how, what & when to eat and how to train to achieve maximum fat loss, and developing a ripped six pack of abs... AND to discover the shocking truth about the diet, weight loss and supplement industries.

Rob's Note: I used to do 1/2 an hour or more of AB work every workout (3x a week) for years. Suffered from low back pain, had difficulty getting out of bed on some mornings because my back just couldn't take it. I was overtraining my abdominals.

I had been self training for over 14 years and then I got my own personal trainer a year ago (Spring 2004). She refuses to let me do crunches. Her method of training is for functional muscle and all my training days involve "Core" work. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've gotten rid of back pain, my abs have become firmer and I've consequently stimulated more muscle in my abdominal region during every workout.

I was very delighted to find David Grisaffi's book "Firm and Flatten Your Abs" in which he teaches the specific routines for developing a six pack of defined muscle through core work. Work the entire abdominal region in a very specific maner to target all areas in a very well designed weekly routine. There are ab exercises in the book I had never considered, and some my trainer was already using. The very first day of adopting some of the new routines, I noticed pain in my core that I had never experienced before. You know, the good pain like "it's been worked". There are principles in the e-book "Firm and Flatten Your Abs" that I have now incorporated, reduced my ab training time and am getting much better results.


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