sleep and aging

>> Sunday, November 9, 2008

All doctors advise you to sleep enough; all cosmetics gurus tell you not to forget about your “beauty sleep”; when you were children you were put to bed every afternoon, despite your protests, and your parents were telling you philosophically that when you'll be a grown up, you'll wish to have a chance for a good nap during the day (which of course you considered completely unrealistic). So, is sleeping as important as is said? Do you really have to sleep more than a third of your life?

Actually sleep is as vital as food, water and oxygen. The amount of needed sleep is not the same for everybody: babies require about 16 hours per day, children till 12 years old require 10-12 hours, teens should sleep 8-10 hours and grown ups 6-8 hours. When ageing, the amount of needed sleep is not decreasing, but unfortunately, the capacity of sleeping continuously 6-8 hours is affected by different factors: stress, alcohol and drinks based on caffeine, too much late TV, improper condition for sleeping. Actually the British Sleep Society reports that more then 50% of adults are confronted with sleep disorders and a large number of them have daytime sleepiness that interferes with their daily activities at least a few days each month.

The more we age, the larger the number of the factors that provoke sleep problems because new ones (which you don't have normally in your 20s,30s) appear: problems with the cardiovascular system and hypertension, improper function of your metabolism, stress is usually increased because you don't have to look only after yourself, you have a family to think of too, obesity or diabetes and drugs you may take.

During the sleeping period your whole body is regenerating, most of the organs are functioning (although not at full capacity), part of the energy (which is not available during the awaking period) is redirected by the brain in repairing tissues, healing muscles, processing the day events. Sleep is vital for your mental and psychical health.

You know by now that a little sleep can cause you a decrease of performance and concentration, an increase of memory lapses, behavior and mood problems, accidents and Injuries, you will look apathetic. But you should also be aware of the fact that without enough sleep you'll start ageing faster than normal because: your eyes will have a tired look, your skin will suffer, it will have a dull and lifeless aspect; you'll have circles and bags under your eyes; your muscles will start giving up on you .

So don't hesitate to take what nature has put at your disposal for free: sleep. Take as much as you need it, as often as you can.


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