lesson # 3 abs exercise

>> Sunday, November 9, 2008

Crunch with cables too!

Bodyweight crunches performed off the floor are good. Cable crunches might be even better. Unfortunately, I don't think I've seen more than one out of fifty people perform the exercise properly.

Cable crunches can be performed seated, standing or kneeling. My favorite is kneeling cable crunch. Performed properly, this is an AB-solutely KILLER exercise!


Most people perform the cable crunch like they were bowing. They bend only at the hips brining the elbows straight down to the floor, while the entire spinal column stays in a straight line. This does not cause the abs to contract through their full range of motion, it only gives you an isometric contraction of the abs, while brining the hip flexors bly into play.

Proper form on the kneeling cable crunch is a curling motion, almost like a carpet being rolled up. Another way I like teach this exercise is to have a trainee visualize that a log is in front of them about a foot off the floor, and ask them to imagine they are wrapping their torso around the log, rounding the back over and curling the spine in a circular range of motion, curling the elbows over and around the log and back in towards the knees.

Also, some people perform this facing away from the weight stack, which is one acceptable variation. I prefer facing towards the weight stack and holding a rope with my hands pressed against my forehead.

Master the proper form on this exercise and you'll see your abs start coming into focus at an alarming rate.


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